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APA Condemns “reparative therapy” for Sexual Orientation

In a wholly unsurprising move, the American Psychological Association has condemned so-called “gay-to-straight” therapies, which aim to convert a person of homosexual orientation to a heterosexual orientation. Such “treatments” are popular among some Evangelical Christian groups and have long been condemned by the homosexual community.

Of course, this whole discussion is a waste of time; as I pointed out in a previous post, which explains (in line with top theorists on the subject) that the conception of distinct sexual orientations (i.e. gay/straight/bi) is inherently flawed and should be scrapped. Rather, why can’t we just talk about sexual behavior without reference to identity or “orientation”? It certainly would make it easier, especially in cases involving a sexuality/religion dissonance such as those referenced in the APA’s decision.

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