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The Idea of Israel in Second Temple Judaism: Typos and Errata

This week marks the release of my book, The Idea of Israel in Second Temple Judaism: A New Theory of People, Exile, and Israelite Identity.

It’s a great relief to finally have it in the wild after 18 years of working on the larger project of which this is the first portion to be released, and I’m excited to report that it has managed to retain its spot as the #1 new release in Judaism at Amazon through its first week.

Nevertheless, it is next to impossible to eradicate all typos and mistakes from a book, particularly one that was in progress for over a decade. In the interest of scholarly clarity and transparency/accountability, this page will therefore serve as the repository for the typos and errors in the first printing of the book. If you have found any others, please let me know either through a comment on this page or via email and I will add it to the list.

p. 7: In the Grosby block quote, “though” should be “through”

p. 33: Where it says Kuhn “delivered the same lecture,” that is a mistake. The lecture from Nov 9, 1938 was the same lecture (properly cited in footnotes 36 as “Gedankenakrobatik des Talmud”) that he had delivered on Nov 1, 1938 in connection with the Nazi propaganda exhibition “Der ewige Jude” at Munich. At the University of Berlin lecture, he gave his lecture on “Die Judenfrage als weltgeschichtliches Problem,” which was not “the same lecture.” (I somehow mixed this up in the editing/rewriting process. Thanks to Dr. Ulrich Kusche for alerting me to this error.)

p. 52:  “is a term” is repeated

p. 64 n. 34; 151 n. 28; 152 n. 34: “Nodet, ‘Building of the Samaritan Temple'” should be “Nodet, ‘Israelites, Samaritans, Temples, Jews'” (my bibliographic software had the wrong short title for Nodet’s chapter, the consequence of duplicating the chapter of an edited volume in the database and changing author/title/page number but not the short title field)

p. 103: “expected be aware” should be “expected to be aware”

p. 205 n. 100: the page range for Freyne’s article “Studying the Jewish Diaspora in Antiquity” should be 1–5, not 1–9

p. 270 “There is, however, there is no indication” should be “There is, however, no indication”

pp. 325–27: “Ps. Sol.” should be “Pss. Sol.”

p. 297: in the block quotation, “ground’s” should be “grounds” (how this one happened is beyond me since I cut and paste such quotes)

I have also discovered that I had apparently not fully reworked my translation of two passages quoted in the DSS chapter that were mostly (but not completely) derived from the Wise/Abegg/Cook translation I used for convenience in the initial stage of writing.

Obviously any errors are mortifying for an author who wants everything to be perfect, but I very much appreciate it when people notify me of mistakes. (The biggest scares in the editing process were when a couple of footnotes had somehow dropped out, resulting in unattributed quotations, but we hopefully caught everything of that nature.) Hopefully this book sells enough that we can get the errors here corrected in a future printing.

[Update: the above mistakes have been resolved for the second printing and beyond.]

p. 186: “Schmidt cites Rolf Rendtorff’s assessment” should say “Schmidt cites Franz Rendtorff” (facepalm.gif)

p. 305 (and index): Gen 51:51 should be Gen 41:51

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